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Who are you?

I go by "Alpha Prime," or Alpha if you'd prefer a slightly less ridiculous title - but I've also called myself Sigma, Gamma and Omicron. It'd be apt to say that "Alpha" is short for "Greek Alphabet." I've always been fascinated by the various meanings the world has prescribed to the Greek letters throughout history, and I think they're vastly underrepresented in places like fraternities, where they're tossed around like tennis balls without any real regard for what they mean. It's also a handy way of keeping myself fairly obscure - they're more or less the internet pseudonym equivalent of calling yourself "John Smith" or "Mary Sue." There are at least twenty or so people who have confused me for another Sigma at one point or another.

No, seriously, who are you?

Just a wanderer of the web with too much time on their hands.

What is the point of this site?

This is where I keep some of the stuff I've written, and maybe some other stuff. There's a forum here, too, I guess.

I've seen this icon on the front page of this site and on other sites. Sometimes places call it an "RSS," and your site says it's about "subscribing." What does this do?

This button is a link to the site's RSS ("Really Simple Syndication") feed, which will keep you updated on new comics and updates to the site as a whole as and when those happen. Think of it like a "What's Going On Button." You need a tool to read an RSS feed, but don't worry, those are easy to come by. In fact, since many sites use RSS or are getting back into the swing of using it in the face of algorithmic newsfeeds, you should probably look into using it for more than just me. At any rate, this is a digression. Here's step by step info on how to use the RSS feed:

- Step one: Download Feeder or something similar on your phone. I presume you have a smart phone, and not a flip phone or telephone.

- Step two: Navigate your mobile browser to the front page of the site where the RSS icon is. Tap the icon. Feeder (or your app of choice) should read the RSS file.

- Step three: allow Feeder (or your app of choice) to notify you when updates occur.

What does FTLFW stand for?

The Forum metatext says it stands for "Faster than Light Forum Write" but I don't really believe that and neither should you.


Alright, truthfully, it didn't really stand for anything at first. It was a typo my friend made when discussing the website's URL. I think it was also the name of some failed fashion brand somewhere - but none of that really matters in the final summation. FTLFW has taken on a life of its own, it's the core identity of this website. What does it *stand for?* Allegorically, it stands for everything the website stands for - it *is* this place. Literally speaking, it's sci-fi technobabble, but very specific sci-fi technobabble, specific enough that I don't feel like elaborating on it here.

Sprite comics? In current year???

Bite me.

I'm here from the YouChew archive and...

That's nice. Forward your praise or complaints to admin(at)ftlfw(dot)net (remove the placeholder at's and dot's and format it like a real email) with the subject line "YouChew Archive." If you were part of the site and want your name scrubbed, I'll try my best to remove any personally identifying information. I won't be able to remove your posts, however. Sorry about that.

The archive is just one part of my site, and the age of YouChew is over. Now is the era of FTLFW. Go read some of my stuff.